مساحة إعلانية

كلمات اغنية فريق افا انطونيوس – O my Lord Jesus Christ

كلمات اغنية فريق افا انطونيوس – O my Lord Jesus Christ مكتوبة

I sought after You, from the depth of my heart, my Lord Jesus, help me.

Loosen for me, all the bonds of sin, my Lord Jesus Christ, help me.

Be a help to me, so that You may save me, my Lord Jesus, help me.

May Your goodness, come speedily to me, my Lord Jesus Christ, help me.

Overshadow me, with the shadow of Your wings, my Lord Jesus, help me.

In six days You have made, all the creation, my Lord Jesus Christ, help me.

Seven times everyday, I will praise Your name, my Lord Jesus, help me.

All the creation, glorifies Your name, my Lord Jesus Christ, help me.

Yours is the lordship, and the authority, my Lord Jesus, help me.

Make haste O my God, so that You may save me, my Lord Jesus Christ, help me.

Every knee, bows down before You, my Lord Jesus, help me.

All the diverse tongues, together bless Your name, my Lord Jesus Christ, help me.

Turn away Your face, from all of my sins, my Lord Jesus, help me.

Blot out O God, all my iniquities, my Lord Jesus Christ, help me.

You know my thoughts, and You search my depths, my Lord Jesus, help me.

Create in me, a clean heart, my Lord Jesus Christ, help me.

Your Holy Spirit, do not take away from me, my Lord Jesus, help me.

Incline Your ears, make haste and hear me, my Lord Jesus Christ, help me.

Set before me a law, in the way of Your justice, my Lord Jesus, help me.

Your kingdom O my God, is an eternal kingdom, my Lord Jesus Christ, help me.

You are the Son of God, I believe in You, my Lord Jesus, help me.

You who carries the sins of the world, have mercy upon me, my Lord Jesus Christ, help me.

Forgive me the multitude, of my iniquities, my Lord Jesus, help me.

All of the souls, together bless Your name, my Lord Jesus Christ, help me.

Have patience with me, do not hasten to destroy me, my Lord Jesus, help me.

Early in the morning, I will rise and bless Your name, my Lord Jesus Christ, help me.

Your yoke is sweet, and Your burden is light, my Lord Jesus, help me.

In the accepted, time hear me, my Lord Jesus Christ, help me.

Oh how beloved, is Your holy name, my Lord Jesus, help me.

Disperse away from me, all of the devils, my Lord Jesus Christ, help me.

Sow within me, the seed of Your righteousness, my Lord Jesus, help me.

Grant us Your true peace, and forgive us our sins, my Lord Jesus Christ, help me


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