مساحة إعلانية
afkar shemal fe demaghy
3l seka balaghy
tedawar tela2e
matgesh seka 3ady
ana aslan hady
men october msh maadi
they call me sugar dady
khadt sahbetak w rohna el nady
alatle seka enta shab msh 3ady
olt nefsy lama atla3 ageb bugatti
la da sa2f w tmo7 ka3b 3aly
fokek mel tarkeez oul cheese
sahbtek be kol sheyaka
alet soura please
el bent aslan peace
get the keys to my crib
& get mafaking J's
shab lazez
malesh fel tal7ees
lw barda hafleslek
w a2olek peace
esmy ahmed fahmy
esm cinema2y rasmy
mel bedaya lowahdy
kawent nafsy
w lw sa2aloni 3anak msh ha5abi
hatlaghene golash hagaly
ana shab me3ady
s3b tego gamby
e3melo memes 3ashan atsheher w a3ady
ana mestany msh ha5aby
harkab el moga lowahdy w ha7ot 3l kano able w msh hasamy
faker nafsak hat7ot 3alaia ana dayer
hategy 3andi ya heletaha hatrawa7 meday2
menezbale msh mawgod ghayeb
qanoon el gazb 3andi fay2
kol she2 tale3 meni ray2
matestaghrabsh da kan mel awel bayen
wenty gy terkab
kont ana say2
tamamk zy el sokar
fel shay dayeb
basma be shakl geded
msh shoghl arayel
sahbtk sabtk w gatle
matkonsh shayel
afkar shemal fe demaghy
3l seka balaghy
tedawar tela2e
matgesh seka 3ady
ana aslan hady
men october msh maadi
they call me sugar dady
khadt sahbetak w rohna el nady
alatle seka enta shab msh 3ady
olt nefsy lama atla3 ageb bugatti
la da sa2f w tmo7 ka3b 3aly
fahmy mowala3 fahmy lit
seretko betegt agy a spit
hot wax 3l bong khodlak hit
nesmoke w fel akher ya habibi ne split
tes7a te2ol quite
kol mara tenamo keda beda ana zehe2t
regala manzar bas fel ha2i2a ento clit
hayaty mowazna hayaty trip mo5y chip
gowa el studio tesm3ane te2ol fahmy lit lit lit lit
trap w rap w sha3by kolo ya man gowa el list
sahbtk b3tale omg your so missed
bawadeha w bage beha 3aref nafsy ka2ed leha mekafeha 3aref ana es7a yalla lena
fahmy lesa awel gawla
3awa2 men sedy el dawla
estana lesa ana hakhod gaw
tazkara fe geiby zahab w 3awda
msh ha2ol asamy
ensa eni adek tany
korod bewesh mawashy
fakar heletaha lw nasy
fahmy darb nar 3amal e3sar
mena garden city
spot bar
rashash scar star
basma ana mokhtar
geiby malyan fe asfar
sahbtk teshof tenhar
fahmy mowala3 fahmy lit
serty tegy yalla te2ol quite
el track da yenzel ye3mel hit
wasa3 el magal da engez e3mely split
afkar shemal fe demaghy
3l seka balaghy
tedawar tela2e
matgesh seka 3ady
ana aslan hady
men october msh maadi
they call me sugar dady
khadt sahbetak w rohna el nady
alatle seka enta shab msh 3ady
olt nefsy lama atla3 ageb bugatti
la da sa2f w tmo7 ka3b 3aly