كلمات اغنية ناجي XYZ – حصل خير (feat. Abdu B)

كلمات اغنية ناجي XYZ – حصل خير (feat. Abdu B) مكتوبة


Abdu B

Everything happens for a reason

Even when you lose you are winning

Life comes in different seasons

Just take it easy on yourself

Don't over think

What happened happened

I know it's easy to say

But what's meant for you will stay

Work hard on yourself and pray

I know you are going through tough times

You are what you believe

It's what you deserve

All these changes are for you to grow

You're brave and strong

You know what you deserve

Just let go

It'll be okay

Just let it flow

It'll be just fine

Just let go

It'll be okay

Just let it flow

It'll be just fine

I'm fine thank you

بعيد من بلادي

And I'm seeking refuge

لقيت حالي فيك

My home is with you

ماشي في طريقي

و لحالي مكشوف

شفنا كثير و اتعلمنا من الماضي

خليت الحاضر خاتم في صباعي

الحمدالله في المأسي دئما راضي

الحمدالله لبس الدنيا على مقاسي

حصل و الي حصل خير

Thats why we hustle

طول الليل

باب انطبق فندور على غير

نسعى و نسعى و نسعى

It's only fair

In the end I'll be okay

As long as I'm living

You'll find my trace

I'll keep on running

And I'll win this race

I know I'm different

I'll make a change

خسرت كثير و لقيت العوض

في المحيط ما عرفت الغرق

شديت الرحال و كملت في التعب

عرفت الطريق ربي ما توهك

صليت و استخرت فلقيت السبب

إيماني زاد

و عقلي رجع

وضعي انا

خرج عن السيطره

بلاش القلق

Just let go

It'll be okay

Just let it flow

It'll be just fine

Just let go

It'll be okay

Just let it flow

It'll be just fine


اغاني مشابهة